ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Extinction DLC This article is about the DLC: Extinction
Jesse Twitter ARK: Extinction is going to challenge and delight you in all sorts of new ways.
~ Jesse[1]
Extinction DLC
DLC about the Dystopian Earth of ARK
Content Type
Expansion Pack
Price (USD)
R$ 37,99
Release Dates
6 de novembro de 2018
Xbox One
November 13th, 2018
Nintendo Switch
Epic Games
ARK- Extinction

Extinctioné o terceiro pago DLC pacote de expansão para ARK: Survival Evolved.

A extinção está programada para ser lançada em 6 de novembro, mas está disponível para compra através do Season Pass.

Contagem regressiva para a extinção[ | ]

PC[ | ]

O lançamento do Extinction para PC é 6 de novembro de 2018.

Extinction has been released for PC.

Xbox and PS4[ | ]

O lançamento de Extinção para Xbox e PS4 foi adiado até o dia 13 de novembro de 2018.

Extinction has been released for Xbox, and PS4.

Visão Global[ | ]

Extinção coloca sobreviventes em um Element Element-planeta infestado e devastado, cheio de criaturas fantásticas, orgânicas e tecnológicas. A terra contém os segredos do passado e as chaves para a sua salvação.

Recursos Ambientais Exclusivos[ | ]

  • Ondas eletromagnéticas estão presentes em determinados locais, tornando itens como GPS GPS sem utilidade.
  • Meteoros que caem do céu.
  • Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops que, quando ativado, inicia um evento de estilo de horário PvE.

O mapa da Terra corrompida[ | ]

Visão Global

O mapa aparece como se estivesse carregado no passado ou no futuro, cheio de ficção científica e natureza. Uma lua quebrada flutua bem acima do céu vermelho e inchado da Terra. Uma variedade de plantas estranhas e mutantes, mais vermelhas ou laranjas, crescem entre as rochas do deserto árido. Spires Corrompidos feitos de corruptos parecem ser a fonte do Corrupted Creatures roaming the land. Um azul Obelisco flutua acima de uma região de neve, cercando-a em um campo de força protetor. The Overgrown City fica perto da área de neve, aparentemente feita de TEK, mas com mau funcionamento. Um anfitrião de Criaturas tecnológicas cercam a cidade, mas os orgânicos também podem ser encontrados lá. Esta não é a Terra que conhecemos.

Novos recursos


Novas características

Terra corrompida contém várias gotas de estrutura inativa conhecidas como Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops. Este novo recurso requer que todos os sobreviventes com o seu domesticado Dino para se defender contra ondas de Criaturas Corrompidas para obter os itens deixados no interior, na forma de invasão no estilo PvE.

A Terra Corrompida contém criaturas vivas. A corrupção de Element Element levou a transformar a maioria das Criaturas em uma variante conhecida como "Corrupto" que vagam pela terra. Devido à superexposição do Element Element, suas mentes e corpos se tornaram muito Corrupto para ser domado como os seus homólogos originais, e deve ser morto à vista, uma vez que não só eles vão destruir qualquer coisa não-corrupta em seu caminho, suas mentes se move em um estado de "mentalidade de colméia", que faz qualquer anterior Temperamento teles eram conhecidos por redundantes. Estes incluem criaturas como o Corrupted Wyvern Corrupted Wyvern de Scorched Earth e de Corrupted Rock Drake Corrupted Rock Drake do Aberration.

Além disso, estas Criaturas Corrompidas reagir a ativações de Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops,fazendo com que eles se acumulem contra as tribos que os ativaram em ondas e atacarão não só eles, mas principalmente a queda ativada também.

No entanto, nem todas as criaturas mutadas pelo Element Element submeter à sua "mentalidade de colmeia". Algumas criaturas, como Gasbags Gasbags ainda mantém seu temperamento normal, permitindo assim que os sobreviventes os dominem apesar de seu estado de aparência.

Vários minibosses gigantes, conhecidos como "Titans" percorrer seções do mapa acessíveis através de masmorras / cavernas, uma vez que seus protótipos Obeliscos seguintes são ativados. Eles são extremamente agressivos, mas os sobreviventes que conseguiram derrubá-lo poderão domar a besta selvagem temporariamente.

Dentro da Terra encontra-se tecnologias como a Enforcer Enforcer e a Scout Scout. Enquanto estas novas Criaturas Mecânicas não podem ser domados como seres orgânicos, eles podem ser criados por sobreviventes com partes de Criaturas destruídas e plantas de Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops para construí-los como parte de sua tribo.

Regions[ | ]

  • Extinction3
    Great City
  • Extinction6
    No Man's Land

Approximate Spawn Locations[ | ]

Data Maps[ | ]

  • Preview Resources Map (Scorched Earth)
    Strategic Resources
  • Level 55
    Exploring the map
  • SpawnMapIcon
    Creature Spawns

Creatures[ | ]

Unique Creatures[ | ]

Some of the creatures here can only be "tamed" through crafting from remains of said creature's part.

  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Gacha Gacha
  • Gasbags Gasbags
  • Managarmr Managarmr
  • Scout Scout
  • Snow Owl Snow Owl
  • Velonasaur Velonasaur

Titan[ | ]

A unique variant outclassing even the largest existing dinosaur Titanosaur Titanosaur and some of the bosses, these Titans roam around sections of the map of Extinction upon released from dungeons/caves and are extremely aggressive, but they can be tamed temporarily. To confront the final boss of Extinction, these Titans must all be defeated or tamed to confront the final boss of Extinction.

  • Desert Titan Desert Titan
  • Forest Titan Forest Titan
  • Ice Titan Ice Titan
  • Sky Titan Sky Titan

Other Spawns[ | ]

Corrupted variants can be found wandering around Earth, most notably in No Man's Land. These dino/creatures have been infected by Element Element to the point where their minds are under a "hive-mentality", rendering them untameable, and must be killed as they are extremely aggressive (even naturally skittish creatures).

  • Argentavis Argentavis
  • Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus
  • Attack Drone Attack Drone
  • Brontosaurus Brontosaurus
  • Carnotaurus Carnotaurus
  • Alpha Carnotaurus Alpha Carnotaurus
  • Corrupted Carnotaurus Corrupted Carnotaurus
  • Castoroides Castoroides
  • Chalicotherium Chalicotherium
  • Corrupted Chalicotherium Corrupted Chalicotherium
  • Daeodon Daeodon
  • Defense Unit Defense Unit
  • Deathworm Deathworm
  • Alpha Deathworm Alpha Deathworm
  • Arquivo:Corrupted Deathworm.png Corrupted Deathworm
  • Dilophosaur Dilophosaur
  • Corrupted Dilophosaur Corrupted Dilophosaur
  • Dimorphodon Dimorphodon
  • Corrupted Dimorphodon Corrupted Dimorphodon
  • Direbear Direbear
  • Direwolf Direwolf
  • Dodo Dodo
  • Gallimimus Gallimimus
  • Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus
  • Corrupted Giganotosaurus Corrupted Giganotosaurus
  • Lystrosaurus Lystrosaurus
  • Mammoth Mammoth
  • Megaloceros Megaloceros
  • Paraceratherium Paraceratherium
  • Corrupted Paraceratherium Corrupted Paraceratherium
  • Parasaur Parasaur
  • Tek Parasaur Tek Parasaur
  • Pteranodon Pteranodon
  • Corrupted Pteranodon Corrupted Pteranodon
  • Quetzal Quetzal
  • Tek Quetzal Tek Quetzal
  • Raptor Raptor
  • Tek Raptor Tek Raptor
  • Alpha Raptor Alpha Raptor
  • Corrupted Raptor Corrupted Raptor
  • Rex Rex
  • Tek Rex Tek Rex
  • Alpha Rex Alpha Rex
  • Corrupted Rex Corrupted Rex
  • Rock Drake Rock Drake
  • Corrupted Rock Drake Corrupted Rock Drake
  • Sabertooth Sabertooth
  • Sabertooth Salmon Sabertooth Salmon
  • Sarco Sarco
  • Spinosaur Spinosaur
  • Corrupted Spino Corrupted Spino
  • Stegosaurus Stegosaurus
  • Tek Stegosaurus Tek Stegosaurus
  • Corrupted Stegosaurus Corrupted Stegosaurus
  • Tapejara Tapejara
  • Therizinosaur Therizinosaur
  • Arquivo:Corrupted Therizinosaur.png Corrupted Therizinosaur
  • Triceratops Triceratops
  • Corrupted Triceratops Corrupted Triceratops
  • Wyvern Wyvern
  • Alpha Fire Wyvern Alpha Fire Wyvern
  • Corrupted Wyvern Corrupted Wyvern

Items[ | ]

Todos os itens do jogo base e alguns itens deScorched Earth e Aberration estão disponíveis no Extinction além dos itens abaixo.

Recursos[ | ]

Extinção adiciona o seguinte Recurso:

  • Unstable Element (Extinction) Unstable Element (Extinction)
  • Unstable Element Shard (Extinction) Unstable Element Shard (Extinction)

Consumíveis[ | ]

Extinção adiciona o seguinte Consumível:

Troféus e Homenagens[ | ]

Extinction adds the following Trophies and Tributes:

  • Corrupt Heart (Extinction) Corrupt Heart (Extinction)
  • Corrupted Nodule (Extinction) Corrupted Nodule (Extinction)

Armas, armaduras e ferramentas[ | ]

Extinction adds the following Weapons, Armor, and Tools:

Estruturas[ | ]

Extinction adds the following Structures:

  • Cryofridge (Extinction) Cryofridge (Extinction)
  • Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction)
  • Small Taxidermy Base (Extinction) Small Taxidermy Base (Extinction)
  • Tek Bridge (Extinction) Tek Bridge (Extinction)

Selas[ | ]

Extinction adds the following Saddles:

  • Snow Owl Saddle (Extinction) Snow Owl Saddle (Extinction)
  • Velonasaur Saddle (Extinction) Velonasaur Saddle (Extinction)

Cosméticos[ | ]

Extinction adds the following Skins & Costumes:


Spotlight[ | ]

Notes/Trivia[ | ]

  • The dystopic earth, which is the setting for this DLC, is visible after the final boss fight of Aberration and after you are sent through portal frames in the Element Falls shaft.
    • It is also visible during the Overseer battle and during the Island's Ascension cut-scene, though it can only be seen from space and appears as a desert planet.
  • On the Steam page for the Season Pass, the first targeted release date was spring 2018 which was changed in December, 2017 to a general 2018 release date.
  • One to two hours after the ARKaeology event started, the banner time was replaced by another banner, hinting a new creature and one of the tainted areas within the map.
  • On the third day, the countdown was brought over to the Twitch channel, with an updated banner that constantly changed over time.
    • In the 4 hour mark, a dinosaur could be seen in the same banner during the countdown in twitch channel, showing a Rex within the red mist.
    • In the 3 hour mark, a small object (Possibly Scout) could be seen above the said creature's head.
    • The trailer was released on June 19th, 2018, along with the mention of the prolonged event "Extinction Chronicles" lasting through November.
  • A variant of possible bosses known as Titans could be seen at the end of the trailer.
  • From the start of trailer, the survivor is seen with an Alpha Ascension Implant Alpha Ascension Implant, when compared to previous DLC trailers where they have not ascended. This might imply you will need to ascended to access this map.
  • In the trailer a creature that seemed to be made of Element Element (known as the Enforcer Enforcer) teleported to and attacked a Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus. Based on its appearance, they may appear to be linked to Attack Drone Attack Drone and Defense Unit Defense Unit.
  • The release date for Extinction is November 6th, 2018.
  • During an interview with Wildcard, they stated that they are unsure if Mechanical Creatures such as Enforcer Enforcers found in Extinction will be normally tamed like other Creatures, or if they will be "crafted".[2]
    • It is however confirmed that Scout Scout will be a craft-only tame Creature.[3] This means there may be more Creatures that are only "tameable" from crafting.
  • This is the first Expansion Pack to have the logo with only one glowing edge and a sharp top end. Every other Expansion, including the base game, has had three glowing edges and a blunt top end.
    • The pointed-top light on the Extinction logo also looks similar to the Specimen Implant Specimen Implant, implying that it could be a new Specimen Implant implant style obtained by doing some sort of Ascension on Extinction, as better implants have been gained in the past by ascending.
    • This is also the first (and only) expansion pack to have an event following its upcoming release (Extinction Chronicles).
  • In each of the Titan areas, an Obelisk Obelisk is shown implying that there could be more than three Obelisk Obelisk on the map.
  • A mysterious teaser video was tweeted out by Wildcard Chris, showcasing some sort of mysterious robot or mech.[4]
  • One of the new Extinction Chronicles notes, ??? #13 stated that the Obelisk Obelisks in Extinction are a “prototype”.
  • There will be no large body of water in Extinction due to the fact that water has dried up on the surface of the Earth.
  • This is the first and only DLC that features creatures exclusive to a previous map in ARK

Gallery[ | ]

External links[ | ]

References[ | ]

Predefinição:Nav Locations Extinction Predefinição:Nav structures Extinction Predefinição:Nav resources Extinction Predefinição:Nav clothing Extinction
